As we approach Thanksgiving Day, I believe it's beneficial to reflect on what we're grateful for in life. In looking to our heavenly Father, we have many Scripture verses to help us: "Give thanks unto the Lord, for He is good: for His mercy endures forever" (Psalm 107: 1). Obviously, we are all grateful for the Father, His beloved Son, our Lord Jesus, and His Holy Spirit.
But this year, with the unrest from the elections, coupled with selfishness and arrogant attitudes of many people, I'm grateful for my family members and friends who walk close to Jesus. I enjoy being with those who are humble, compassionate, caring and kind. If you're given a choice, would you not want to spend time with someone who exemplifies the Lord, as opposed to a prideful person, who is only out for his or her own interests? From my thinking, I believe the character quality that may be least appreciated in an individual is meekness. And the people I most respect are meek, because they most resemble Christ. We don't often use the word "meek," but in His Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said, "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth" (Matthew 5: 5).
Meekness is being merciful, gentle and patient, while enduring wrongs. It is having power under control. I've heard people say that being meek is being weak, but I read this great analogy: "The difference between a meek person and a weak person is this: a weak person can't do anything. A meek person, on the other hand, can do something but chooses not to." I'm thankful for people like this, for they make the world a better place to live in; it makes it easier to be grateful and to appreciate the grand gifts God provides.
I love what A.W. Tozer wrote: "Gratitude is an offering precious in the sight of God, and it is one that the poorest of us can make and be not poorer for having made it." I pray you have a joyous and peace-filled Thanksgiving.
Brother Bill Shields