
There are times when you have fellowship with other Christians that you have a joy in your heart. That's contentment. But, there are discouraging days when you need quiet time alone in prayer...Years ago, I read that contentment is accepting from God's hand what He sends to us, because He is a good and gracious, and He desires to do what's best for His children, even if it means going through pain. When we draw near to our loving Lord, and we feel His presence in communing with Him, there's a peace we may receive as we leave the burden with Him. I consider that contentment in Christ.

One of my favorite Christian authors, is Joni Eareckson Tada, a sister-in-Christ I greatly admire. At 17, Joni had a diving accident that left her a quadriplegic. She's experienced pain beyond what I could imagine. In being faithful, God has blessed Joni with a thriving ministry, with more than 50 years in helping others from her wheelchair. She wrote:

"Contentment is a sedate spirit that finds its strength in Jesus. Contentment comes from many great and small acceptances in life. As the saying goes, when life isn't the way you like it, like it the way it day at a time with Christ...Father, I don't want to plot ways to escape my circumstances. Help me to be content, knowing that Your Son is with me. He--and He alone--will give me strength." 

"I have learned to be content through Christ...regardless of my circumstances" (Philippians 4:11, AMP). 

Personally, I am still a work in progress. Trying to maintain contentment in all things is tough; but in having a caring, loving Shepherd walking with us, sure brings strength. 

Bill Shields
FMPM Steering Committee Member